The microwave technology uses widely various dielectric materials. Dielectrics, the use of which reduces
substantially the overall dimensions of microwave circuits, i.e. dielectrics with high permittivity (e > 20), are of
special interest. The miniaturization effect is based on the 8l/2 -fold reduction of electromagnetic wave length in
dielectric; the planar dimensions of microwave microcircuits decrease by a factor of Dielectrics with high
permittivity are used as dielectric resonators, microcircuit substrates, filter capacitors, etc in microwave
The main requirements to microwave dielectrics are high permittivity (s), low dielectric loss (tg 6) and
temperature coefficient of frequency (If) tending to zero. It should be noted that high polarizability without
strong energy absorption at 109-I101 Hz can be only achieved through optical and infrared polarization. Other
electric polarization mechanisms make no microwave dielectric contribution or undergo microwave s dispersion,
which leads to high dielectric loss.